Thomas is a carver on Council Edifice, whose parents died when he was young. His importance was being Kira's friend, and the second main character, which is also called a Deuteronomy. His role is to carve the Singer's staff, which is important for the Gathering. He helped his friends whenever they have problems. He treats tykes with care. He is also sharing, by giving his own lunch to a woman, who guided them to Matt's house. His last appearance was at the last chapter, where Kira's father, Christopher, left with Matt and Branch. He was with Kira, and left to the village with her.
5 words to describe Thomas:
- Helpful
- Friendly
- Kind
- Responsible
- Nice
"Yes. I'm Thomas."
"He was tall, with long, dark hair neatly combed and clasped at the back of his neck with a carved wooden ornament."
"Well, it doesn't matter much. Better tools than we have before, good food, work to do."